All Times are in Local Time (in the UK UTC +1 & in France UTC +2)


Wednesday July 17th

Registration & Welcome Day


  • 12.00 – 18.00: Registration at Royal Dart Yacht Club Sailing Office
  • 14.00 “Watersports” in Dartmouth off Dartmouth Yacht Club.
  • 18.30: Welcome reception sponsored by Dolphin Boatyard in the RDYC
  • 19.00: Briefing for Dartmouth Classics Races at RDYC
  • 20.00 Crew supper at RDYC (supper numbers limited – book direct with the Club )
Thursday July 18th

Dartmouth Classics – Day 1


  • 08.00 – 10.00: Late registration at RDYC Sailing Office
  • 10.30: Parade of Sail (instructions will be given separately at the briefing at 1900 on the 17th)
  • 12.00: First Start Dartmouth Classics Races
  • 19.00 for 19.30: Evening supper party with music in the Old Market Square
  • 22.45 End of Supper Party
Friday July 19th Dartmouth Classics – Day 2

  • 10.00: Salcombe Gin Start Bay Race -First Start
  • 17.30: Dartmouth Classics Prizegiving at the Royal Dart Yacht Club sponsored by Salcombe Gin
  • 18.00: BBQ supper at RDYC (numbers limited, book direct with the club)
Saturday July 20th Classic Channel Race stage 1 – Dartmouth to St Peter Port – start day

  • 09.00 – 09.30: Late registration for the Classic Channel Race Dartmouth – Paimpol
  • 10.00: Briefing for the Classic Channel Race Dartmouth – Paimpol
  • 13.00: First start of the Classic Channel Race Dartmouth – Paimpol
Sunday July 21st

Classic Channel Race Stage 1, Arrival St Peter Port


PM – Instructions and entry sequence pennants for entry into Paimpol harbour on arrival 22nd, will be issued to yachts in the harbour. (This will depend on the French Team logistics if they cannot issue them on the Sunday in SPP then they will be issued in the Anchorage in Paimpol from 17:00 which is in the vicinity of the finish line). (French Local Time UTC+2). It is important that yachts proceed into Paimpol in their designated groups to facilitate the berthing in Paimpol .

  • 17.30 Safety Briefing Classic Channel Race Stage 2, St Peter Port – Paimpol Guernsey Yacht Club
  • 18.00 Welcome Reception at Castle Cornet sponsored by States of Guernsey.
Monday– July 22nd Classic Channel Race stage 2 – St Peter Port to Paimpol

See above for Paimpol Entry procedure instructions.

  • 09.00: First Start for Stage 2 of the Classic Channel Race
  • 18.30: Start of the Parade of Sail into Paimpol for the 1st group, followed by group 2 and then group 3.
  • 19:30-21.00: Both Lock gates open (Free Flow)
  • 20.30: Welcome Apéritif on the Harbour Quayside.
  • 23.13: Last lock transit for late arriving boats.

Crews are advised to pre-book restaurants in Paimpol for those arriving and wishing to eat ashore. (See Paimpol details)
If you have one one of the individual posters which have been given to previous Regatta participants for display in Paimpol please display it.

Tuesday – July 23rd

Rest day in and around Paimpol

  • 16.00: Briefing for La Course du Tour de l’Île de Bréhat in La Maison des Plaisanciers.

A briefing will also be given for the Danse des Classiques “Daniel Hue” and the Parade of Sail into Paimpol at the same time.

Wednesday – July 24th La Course du Tour de l’Île de Bréhat & Danse des Classiques

  • 08.00: Picnics issued on quay side
  • 09.00 – 10:00: Lock Open, Free Flow. Boats depart harbour
  • 10.30: La Course du Tour de l’Île de Bréhat. – first start
  • 14.30 – 16.30: Picnic off lÎle de Bréhat
  • 16.30: Departure for the Bay of Paimpol
  • 18.00 -19.30: Danse des Classiques off Paimpol (fancy dress encouraged)
  • 19.30: Boats regroup in 3 groups for the Parade of Sail (same procedure as on Monday)
  • 20.00: Start of the Parade of Sail into Paimpol for the 1st group, followed by group 2 and then group 3.
  • 21.05 – 22.30: Transit of the lock into Paimpol (free flow with both gates open)
  • (Thursday 25th) 00.40 Last Lock Transit.
Thursday – July 25th

Classic Channel Regatta – Finale Day

Programme of Activities in Paimpol • Regatta village on quayside open all day

  • 10.00 – 10.30: CRAB Association AGM in La Maison des Plaisanciers.
  • 12.00: Blindfold dinghy racing in Paimpol Harbour. 
  • 13.30 – 15.30 Registration for the Coupe d’Armorique (See NOR for further details)
  • 15.30 – 16.00: Briefing for the Coupe d’Armorique race in La Maison des Plaisanciers, run by the Yacht Club Classique
  • 18.00: Final Prize giving on quayside for Classic Channel Race, Tour de Bréhat Race, Danse des Classiques – Daniel Hue and Dubarry overall results.
  • 19.00: Apéritif on quayside
  • 20.00: “Repas des Equipages” at the Salle des Fêtes
Friday – July 26th

Coupe d’Armorique Start

  • 10.15 – 11:00: Free Flow of Lock 
  • 12:30 Start of the Coupe d’Armorique to Brest