How to Enter
The next Classic Channel Regatta will be between the 17th and 25th of July 2024.
The entry process is as follows:
1. If you have not entered before check that your yacht is Eligible.
2. Pre-register your interest in entering – this is the fundamental element of the process – a boat cannot enter without first pre-registering.
Pre-registration will be available from late May 2023 and can be done at any time from then on. This will take you to the pre-registration forms.
At this stage we collect the owner or skipper’s contact details and relevant information on the boat being entered. If you have entered a previous Regatta with the same boat, then there is an abbreviated process as we already hold this information (providing you have given us your authority to hold it).
We also ask for a photo of the boat to include in the gallery of pre-registered yachts and some history to include in the programme.
There is no fee for pre-registering and it does not commit you to confirming your entry in due course.
If the regatta is oversubscribed with pre-registrations we will put those received after the limit is reached onto a waiting list and advise those affected.
3) You will need to get a JCH classic handicap rating if your boat doesn’t already have one. This is free of charge and can be done quite simply online at
You will need your boat’s hull and sail measurements to hand when completing the online form. You can do this at any time before confirming your entry.
4) We will email out entry forms pre-populated with the information supplied at pre-registration to all pre-registered yachts in April 2024 with a request to return them with payment as soon as possible. A cut-off date will be given to end priority for pre-registered boats to secure a place, after which boats on the waiting list will be admitted.